Shilajit is a healing mountain wax, which is a mixture of plant and animal components. It has been familiar to folk medicine for several centuries, being famous as a remedy for thousands of diseases. The most valuable species are considered to be the Altai and Eastern varieties. To get the maximum effect from this natural medicine, you need to study the Shilajit, including the beneficial properties and contraindications of the substance. It is found in the mountains of Altai, Iran, as well as Arabia, India, Indonesia, Australia, Burma, and Mongolia. Shilajit can also be found in South America. According to experts, the Shilajit is the result of high-quality processing of biomass in a mountainous climate.
Chemical composition:
amino acids, metal oxides, essential oils, resins, vitamins, bee venom, humic bases, plant remains etc.
Its composition is variable, depending on the variety and conditions of formation. Shilajit has a bitter taste, with a distinctive smell similar to oil. Interestingly, it almost completely dissolves in water, leaving only a small sediment. The inorganic part consists of minerals (magnesium, aluminium, sodium, calcium, potassium) and rare earth elements (tin, strontium, caesium, rubidium, chromium, barium, antimony, etc.). Some rare earth elements are present as traces, but they are very important for the body.
Proven health benefits and uses:
The main beneficial properties of Shilajit are manifested in a positive effect on the regeneration and metabolism of the body. This product is involved in a synthesis at the cellular level. It acts most effectively:
liver and stomach, inflammation, works well as an immunomodulator, as treatment of bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, as a disinfectant (due to the presence of a fungus similar in properties to penicillin), to restore the structure of nerve cells, blood, and tissues, as a stimulant for cardiac activity
The product optimizes brain activity and improves overall health. This is reflected in improved appetite and sleep, as well as quick restoration of damaged systems and organs. The drug also improves the condition of the skin and is widely used in cosmetology.
pregnancy, breastfeeding, bleeding, high blood pressure, oncological diseases
Ways to use Shilajit:
The substance has a high concentration, so it should be consumed on an empty stomach once a day (preferably in the morning). The dosage can range from 0.15 to 0.2g. The tablet of a purified pharmaceutical product has a mass of 0.2g. It can be mixed with plain water, honey, tea, or juice; almost any drink can serve as the basis. The exception is alcohol, which is strictly prohibited during treatment.